June 10, 2020

Who is SOEK® sunglasses?

Who is SOEK® sunglasses?

Lize-Mari and Mia five women at a dinner table

We are Lize-Mari and Mia…

...World adventuring, beach loving, karaoke singing friends who also happen to be awesome mum’s (self-proclaimed of course), sometimes enthusiastic joggers and of course expert cart wheelers (well, one of us is anyway…maybe also self-proclaimed).

Why sunglasses?

Obviously with our many talents, the aforementioned cartwheeling mainly, we could have applied Lize’s love of spreadsheets to anything really.

Luckily for you, purveyor of fine sunglasses, we decided that creating a range of ethically sourced, fun, practical and great quality sunglasses that were also fantastic value was our true calling. And hence, SOEK® began.

We absolutely love our sunglasses.

We believe the design perfectly balances practicality and comfort with fun and a uniqueness that comes from our vibrant colours that put other shades to shame.

We are also so proud of the quality of our sunglasses. Their resilience is one of the reasons we felt comfortable starting our Little SOEK® range.

We have seen kids in action and know that no fainthearted sunglass will survive the smallest of our tribe members! We have maximum quality control in place to ensure each pair of SOEK® sunglasses is adventure ready.

While we do recommend that you treat your sunglasses with care, SOEK® sunglasses are designed to help you live your best life.

For further testing I may have also sat on a pair or two, strictly for research of course, not because I keep putting them on the seat of my car! That’s how dedicated we are to ensuring your SOEK® sunglasses will last. You are welcome.

At this point, some of you may be wondering if you can do cartwheels also. Others may be wondering what exactly SOEK® means.

Both are very good questions and thank you for asking.

The answer to the first is a resounding YES…you can and you should do cartwheels whenever the opportunity arises. And also, sometimes just because you can.

The answer to the second question is that the word ‘soek’ means “search”. We would love nothing more than for all of you to never stop searching…for that “secret” beach, that forever friendship, that trail that led to that amazing waterfall, that unconditional love, that song that takes your breath away…that perfect pair of sunglasses (DONE – that was easy!). Our company and our sunglasses represent that never-ending search…and we hope you will share this journey with us by joining our SOEK® tribe.

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KEEP UP with us on Instagram: Instagram.com/SOEKsunglasses