Remove Scratches From Your Sunnies

How to Remove Scratches From Your Sunnies

Removing Scratches from the Sunglasses: What to Do and Not

Keys, wallet, glasses? Your sunglasses are often one of your most used items, providing protection, comfort and care throughout the day: one of the few things you grab each time you leave the house. The trick with being so useful is that it’s often synonymous with being so used- and susceptible to the wear and tear that comes with caring for our delicate belongings.

How can you best care for your sunglasses and remove minor scratches that occur? We’ll go over some of the do’s (and some of the don’ts) in sunglasses care to ensure you can keep your SOEK sunnies looking stylish this summer.

Why Should You Remove Scratches on Glasses?

Your sunglasses put in the long strides to keep your eyes safe, so it’s important to return the favor so they can last as long as possible. After use, glasses are often sprinkled with dust, microbes and debris, which can harm the lenses if not removed regularly. Cleaning your sunglasses regularly is the most crucial component in caring for them, ensuring that the debris that falls onto the lenses doesn’t have a chance to scratch the surface and leave permanent damage.

What Not to Do

It’s easy to panic when you see scratches on your sunnies, promoting harried google searches that suggest things like wax, baking soda and other at-home solutions to remove scratches from your lenses. These ‘solutions’ often cause more harm than help, worsening damage and affecting the surface of your sunglasses. Abrasive products such as baking soda and toothpaste may often exacerbate any issues, deepen scratches, and leave a distortive coat on your glasses. This is true also of other products such as sunscreen and furniture or car wax.

Attempting to remove scratches with at-home hacks can alter the appearance of the lenses, light transmission and view tint and strip the UV coating from the lens in the process.

How to Care for Your SOEK Sunnies

The best care is prevention, cleaning your sunglasses immediately when you spot a mark. This will prevent smudges and minor debris from scratching the lens more deeply. Follow these steps to care for your sunglasses:

  • Rinse your sunnies with lukewarm water and gently remove any lens debris.
  • Lather with a pea-sized drop of dish soap or hand wash over the lenses. Work the soap into the temple tips, nose buds, and frame joints to thoroughly disinfect the glasses.
  • Rinse the glasses and gently remove the remaining soap with your fingertips.
  • Use a microfiber or lens cloth to dry your sunnies. Avoid using cotton or your shirt to dry them, as these abrasive materials will aggravate the scratches.

Keep Your Sunnies Looking New

While there isn’t a magic cure-all for scratches on sunglasses, you can keep your SOEK sunglasses looking their best for years to come by taking proper care of them. 

Keeping them in a dedicated case when not in use and washing them using the steps above when you notice any marks or debris will ensure that your SOEK sunnies are in top condition for years to come.