8 Reasons why you should be wearing SOEK® Polarised Sustainable Wooden Sunglasses

8 Reasons why you should be wearing SOEK® Polarised Sustainable Wooden Sunglasses

Why You Should Be Wearing Polarized Sustainable Wooden Sunglasses

We are eco-friendly 

SOEK® polarised sustainable wooden sunglasses gives you the opportunity to not only look fabulous but to feel fabulous about the fact that your purchase is having a meaningful impact on the planet. Here at SOEK® we are constantly looking at ways we can improve on how we do things in order to be as sustainable as possible and for us this begins with sourcing 100% sustainable timber from FSC accredited suppliers. Our sunglasses are then handcrafted using environmentally friendly processes from durable bamboo and hardwoods such as maple, ebony and walnut. All of the natural materials used are organic, renewable and free from harmful or toxic elements. We also have spot checks and quality control in place to ensure SOEK® manufacturing continues to adhere to these standards. From our materials and factories to our packaging and our giving partner it’s a huge operation that is well worth it.

Our awesome lenses

All of our lenses are polarised and UV400 (100% UVA/UVB) and adhere to Category 3 High Protection against sun glare. This is further backed by the feedback from our customers as well as our sponsored athletes and professional fishermen who have personally tested the quality and clarity of our lenses. Forget about looking at the world through rose coloured glasses…look at the world through SOEK® sunglasses for the best view!

Our thoughtful design. We have designed our sunglasses to suit most face shapes and sizes, plus our spring-loaded hinges mean that each pair of our lightweight shades will stretch to your face size and sit comfortably. With our range of colours, shades of wood and different lens tints, your biggest problem will be deciding which one to choose!


Our kids range

Our LITTLE SOEK® range of adventure ready sunglasses specifically designed for children will not only make your kids look cuter than all the other kids, but will also protect their eyes from harmful UV rays. Plus, the spring-loaded hinges ensure a comfortable fit that won’t slip off while they are busy living their best lives.



LITTLE SHELLY Little boy playing ukulele at the beach


They will make you run faster

We know this to be true as @adventurous_lucy ran the length of New Zealand earlier this year wearing SOEK® sunglasses and managed to smash the Fastest Known Time record. Her athletic ability, grueling training schedule and sheer determination may have played some small role but deep down we all know that it was the sunglasses that made the difference.



Our very clever cases

All SOEK® sunglasses come with their own case, from the Little SOEK® sunglasses sleeve for our kids range, to the impact resistant zipper case that incorporates vegetables fibres in its design and manages to hold two pairs of sunglasses (to allow for any quick outfit/mood change requirements). Although perhaps the top award would need to go to our very clever yet unassuming 100% biodegradable triangular cork case. It's even thoughtful enough to fold flat when not in use…what a genius!



SOEK® sunglasses are the perfect gift

Much better than underpants and socks. Its literally impossible to make the wrong choice (although I suspect my husband could somehow still manage it!) The biggest negative here is that you will have set the bar very high as an excellent gift giver and you may have trouble with expectations for future gifts…obviously this can be easily fixed by simply buying a new pair of SOEK® sunglasses every year.


LILA GRACE three women laughing


100%* of people feel happier while wearing SOEK® sunglasses (made up but probably true)

We believe this overwhelming feeling of happiness comes from knowing you look fabulous and that your purchase will have made a positive environmental impact, your lenses are making the world look pretty damn good, your sunglasses feel light and are sitting comfortably on your cute face, your kids are looking totally adorbs, you are resting easy with the knowledge that you can run really fast if the need arises, and last but not least, you have just smugly slipped your foldable cork case into your purse or pocket and everyone around you is in awe…of you, of your sunglasses, of your clever cork case and obviously of your undeniable happiness.